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Notification Procedures
AC.NP: Have you documented the procedures for notification strategy and methods?
  • You have documented all notification procedures
  • You have described the notification methods during and outside business hours
  • The notification strategy also defines procedures to be followed in the event that specific personnel cannot be contacted
CMMI Maturity Level
Not Applicable - Not applicable
Level 1: Initial - Unpredictable and reactive. Work gets completed but is often delayed and over budget.
Level 2: Managed - Managed on the project level. Projects are planned, performed, measured, and controlled.
Level 3: Defined - Proactive, rather than reactive. Organization-wide standards provide guidance across projects, programs, and portfolios.
Level 4: Quantitatively Managed - Measured and controlled. Organization is data-driven with quantitative performance improvement objectives that are predictable and align to meet the needs of internal and external stakeholders.
Level 5: Optimized - Stable and flexible. Organization is focused on continuous improvement and is built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change. The organization’s stability provides a platform for agility and innovation.

An outage or disruption may occur with or without prior notice. For example, advance notice is often given that a hurricane is predicted to affect an area or that a computer virus is expected on a certain date. However, there may be no notice of equipment failure or a criminal act. Notification procedures should be documented in the plan for both types of situation. The procedures should describe the methods used to notify recovery personnel during business and non business hours. Prompt notification is important for reducing the effects of a disruption on the system; in some cases, it may provide enough time to allow system personnel to shut down the system gracefully to avoid a hard crash. Following the outage or disruption, notification should be sent to the Outage Assessment Team so that it may determine the status of the situation and appropriate next steps.