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ID.AM-5.1: The organization’s resources (hardware, devices, data, time, personnel, information, and software) shall be prioritized based on their classification, criticality, and business value.
  • Determine organization’s resources (e.g., hardware, devices, data, time, personnel, information, and software):
  • oWhat would happen to my business if these resources were made public, damaged, lost…?
  • oWhat would happen to my business when the integrity of resources is no longer guaranteed?
  • oWhat would happen to my business if I/my customers couldn’t access these resources? And rank these resources based on their classification, criticality, and business value.
  • Resources should include enterprise assets.
  • Create a classification for sensitive information by first determining categories, e.g.
  • o Public - freely accessible to all, even externally
  • o Internal - accessible only to members of your organization
  • o Confidential - accessible only to those whose duties require access.
  • Communicate these categories and identify what types of data fall into these categories (HR data, financial data, legal data, personal data, etc.).
  • Consider the use of the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP).
  • Data classification should apply to the three aspects: C-I-A.
  • Consider implementing an automated tool, such as a host-based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tool to identify all sensitive data stored, processed, or transmitted through enterprise assets, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider.

The organization’s resources (hardware, devices, data, time, personnel, information, and software) shall be prioritized based on their classification, criticality, and business value.