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Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
ID.AM-6.1: Information security and cybersecurity roles, responsibilities and authorities within the organization shall be documented, reviewed, authorized, and updated and alignment with organization-internal roles and external partners. Key Measure
  • It should be considered to:
  • Describe security roles, responsibilities, and authorities: who in your organization should be consulted, informed, and held accountable for all or part of your assets.
  • Provide security roles, responsibilities, and authority for all key functions in information/cyber security (legal, detection activities…).
  • Include information/cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for third-party providers (e.g., suppliers, customers, partners) with physical or logical access to the organization’s ICT/OT environment.

Information security and cybersecurity roles, responsibilities and authorities within the organization shall be documented, reviewed, authorized, and updated and alignment with organization-internal roles and external partners. Key Measure