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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Perform edge/boundary value condition testing during QA.
ST1.1: Perform edge/boundary value condition testing during QA.

QA efforts go beyond functional testing to perform basic adversarial tests and probe simple edge cases and boundary conditions, with no particular attacker skills required. When QA pushes past standard functional testing that uses expected input, it begins to move toward thinking like an adversary. Boundary value testing, whether automated or manual, can lead naturally to the notion of an attacker probing the edges on purpose (e.g., determining what happens when someone enters the wrong password over and over).

Drive tests with security requirements and security features.
ST1.3: Drive tests with security requirements and security features.

QA targets declarative security mechanisms with tests derived from security requirements and features. A test could try to access administrative functionality as an unprivileged user, for example, or verify that a user account becomes locked after some number of failed authentication attempts. For the most part, security features can be tested in a fashion similar to other software features—security mechanisms such as account lockout, transaction limitations, entitlements, etc., are tested with both expected and unexpected input as derived from security requirements. Software security isn’t security software, but testing security features is an easy way to get started. New software architectures and deployment automation, such as with container and cloud infrastructure orchestration, might require novel test approaches.

Integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA process.
ST1.4: Integrate opaque-box security tools into the QA process.

The organization uses one or more opaque-box security testing tools as part of the QA process. Such tools are valuable because they encapsulate an attacker’s perspective, albeit generically. Traditional dynamic analysis scanners are relevant for web applications, while similar tools exist for cloud environments, containers, mobile applications, embedded systems, APIs, etc. In some situations, other groups might collaborate with the SSG to apply the tools. For example, a testing team could run the tool but come to the SSG for help with interpreting the results. When testing is integrated into Agile development approaches, opaque-box tools might be hooked into internal toolchains, provided by cloud-based toolchains, or used directly by engineering. Regardless of who runs the opaque-box tool, the testing should be properly integrated into a QA cycle of the SSDL and will often include both authenticated and unauthenticated reviews.