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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Use external penetration testers to find problems.
PT1.1: Use external penetration testers to find problems.

External penetration testers are used to demonstrate that the organization’s software needs help. Finding critical vulnerabilities in high-profile applications provides the evidence that executives often require. Over time, the focus of penetration testing moves from trying to determine if the code is broken in some areas to a sanity check done before shipping or on a periodic basis. In addition to breaking code, this sanity check can also be an effective way to ensure that vulnerability prevention techniques are both used and effective. External penetration testers who bring a new set of experiences and skills to the problem are the most useful.

Feed results to the defect management and mitigation system.
PT1.2: Feed results to the defect management and mitigation system.

All penetration testing results are fed back to engineering through established defect management or mitigation channels, with development and operations responding via a defect management and release process. In addition to application vulnerabilities, also track results from testing other software such as containers and infrastructure configuration. Properly done, this exercise demonstrates the organization’s ability to improve the state of security and emphasizes the importance of not just identifying but actually fixing security problems. One way to ensure attention is to add a security flag to the bug-tracking and defect management system. The organization might leverage developer workflow or social tooling (e.g., JIRA or Slack) to communicate change requests, but these requests are still tracked explicitly as part of a vulnerability management process.

Use penetration testing tools internally.
PT1.3: Use penetration testing tools internally.

The organization creates an internal penetration testing capability that uses tools as part of an established process. Execution can rest with the SSG or be part of a specialized team elsewhere in the organization, with the tools complementing manual efforts to improve the efficiency and repeatability of the testing process. The tools used will usually include off-the-shelf products built specifically for application penetration testing, network penetration tools that specifically understand the application layer, container and cloud configuration testing tools, and custom scripts. Free-time or crisis-driven efforts aren’t the same as an internal capability.