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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Use application input monitoring.
SE1.1: Use application input monitoring.

The organization monitors input to the software that it runs in order to spot attacks. Monitoring systems that write log files are useful only if humans or bots periodically review the logs and take action. For web applications, RASP or a WAF can do this monitoring, while other kinds of software likely require other approaches, such as custom runtime instrumentation. Software and technology stacks, such as mobile and IoT, likely require their own input monitoring solutions. Serverless and containerized software can require interaction with vendor software to get the appropriate logs and monitoring data. Cloud deployments and platform-as-a-service usage can add another level of difficulty to the monitoring, collection, and aggregation approach.

Ensure host and network security basics are in place.
SE1.2: Ensure host and network security basics are in place.

The organization provides a solid foundation for its software by ensuring that host (whether bare metal or virtual machine) and network security basics are in place across its data centers and networks, and that these basics remain in place during new releases. Host and network security basics must account for evolving network perimeters, increased connectivity and data sharing, software-defined networking, and increasing dependence on vendors (e.g., content delivery, load balancing, and content inspection services). Doing software security before getting host and network security in place is like putting on shoes before putting on socks.

Implement cloud security controls.
SE1.3: Implement cloud security controls.

Organizations ensure that cloud security controls are in place and working for both public and private clouds. Industry best practices are a good starting point for local policy and standards to drive controls and configurations. Of course, cloud-based assets often have public-facing services that create an attack surface (e.g., cloud-based storage) that is different from the one in a private data center, so these assets require customized security configuration and administration. In the increasingly software-defined world, the SSG has to help everyone explicitly configure cloud-specific security features and controls (e.g., through cloud provider administration consoles) comparable to those built with cables and physical hardware in private data centers. Detailed knowledge about cloud provider shared responsibility security models is always necessary to ensure that the right cloud security controls remain in place.