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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Integrate and deliver security features.
SFD1.1: Integrate and deliver security features.

Provide proactive guidance on preapproved security features for engineering groups to use rather than each group implementing its own security features. Engineering groups benefit from implementations that come preapproved, and the SSG benefits by not having to repeatedly track down the kinds of subtle errors that often creep into security features (e.g., authentication, role management, key management, logging, cryptography, protocols). These security features might be discovered during SSDL activities, created by the SSG or specialized development teams, or defined in configuration templates (e.g., cloud blueprints) and delivered via mechanisms such as SDKs, containers, microservices, and APIs. Generic security features often must be tailored for specific platforms. For example, each mobile and cloud platform might need its own means by which users are authenticated and authorized, secrets are managed, and user actions are centrally logged and monitored. It’s implementing and disseminating these defined security features that generates real progress, not simply making a list of them.

Application architecture teams engage with the SSG.
SFD1.2: Application architecture teams engage with the SSG.

Application architecture teams take responsibility for security in the same way they take responsibility for performance, availability, scalability, and resiliency. One way to keep security from falling out of these architecture discussions is to have secure design experts (from the SSG, a vendor, etc.) participate. Increasingly, architecture discussions include developers and site reliability engineers who are governing all types of software components, such as open source, APIs, containers, and cloud services. In other cases, enterprise architecture teams have the knowledge to help the experts create secure designs that integrate properly into corporate design standards. Proactive engagement with experts is key to success here. In addition, it’s never safe for one team to assume another team has addressed security requirements—even moving a well-known system to the cloud means reengaging the experts.