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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Perform opportunistic code review.
CR1.2: Perform opportunistic code review.

Perform code review for high-risk applications in an opportunistic fashion. For example, organizations can follow up a design review with a code review looking for security issues in source code and dependencies and perhaps also in deployment artifact configuration (e.g., containers) and automation metadata (e.g., infrastructure-as-code). This informal targeting often evolves into a systematic approach (see [CR1.4]). Manual code review could be augmented with the use of specific tools and services, but it has to be part of a proactive process. When new technologies pop up, new approaches to code review might become necessary.

Use automated code review tools.
CR1.4: Use automated code review tools.

Incorporate static analysis into the code review process to make the review more efficient and consistent. Automation won’t replace human judgment, but it does bring definition to the review process and security expertise to reviewers who typically aren’t security experts. Note that a specific tool might not cover an entire portfolio, especially when new languages are involved, so additional local effort might be useful. Some organizations might progress to automating tool use by instrumenting static analysis into source code management workflows (e.g., pull requests) and delivery pipeline workflows (build, package, and deploy) to make the review more efficient, consistent, and aligned with release cadence. Whether use of automated tools is to review a portion of the source code incrementally, such as a developer committing new code or small changes, or to conduct full analysis by scanning the entire codebase, this service should be explicitly connected to a larger SSDL defect management process applied during software development. This effort is not useful when done just to “check the security box” on the path to deployment.

Make code review mandatory for all projects.
CR1.5: Make code review mandatory for all projects.

A security-focused code review is mandatory for all software projects, with a lack of code review or unacceptable results stopping a release, slowing it down, or causing it to be recalled. While all projects must undergo code review, the process might be different for different kinds of projects. The review for low-risk projects might rely more heavily on automation (see [CR1.4]), for example, whereas high-risk projects might have no upper bound on the amount of time spent by reviewers. Having a minimum acceptable standard forces projects that don’t pass to be fixed and reevaluated. A code review tool with nearly all the rules turned off (so it can run at CI/ CD automation speeds, for example) won’t provide sufficient defect coverage. Similarly, peer code review or tools focused on quality and style won’t provide useful security results.

Assign code review tool mentors.
CR1.7: Assign code review tool mentors.

Mentors show developers how to get the most out of code review tools, including configuration, triage, and remediation. Security champions, DevOps and site reliability engineers, and SSG members often make good mentors. Mentors could use office hours or other outreach to help developers establish the right configuration and get started on interpreting and remediating results. Alternatively, mentors might work with a development team for the duration of the first review they perform. Centralized use of a tool can be distributed into the development organization or toolchains over time through the use of tool mentors, but providing installation instructions and URLs to centralized tool downloads isn’t the same as mentoring. Increasingly, mentorship extends to code review tools associated with deployment artifacts (e.g., container security) and infrastructure (e.g., cloud configuration). While AI is becoming useful to augment human code review guidance, it likely doesn’t have the context necessary to replace it.