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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Publish process and evolve as necessary.
SM1.1: Publish process and evolve as necessary.

The process for addressing software security is defined, published internally, and broadcast to all stakeholders so that everyone knows the plan. Goals, roles, responsibilities, and activities are explicitly defined. Most organizations examine existing methodologies, such as the NIST SSDF, Microsoft SDL, or Synopsys Touchpoints, then tailor them to meet their needs. Security activities will be adapted to software lifecycle processes (e.g., waterfall, Agile, CI/CD, DevOps), so activities will evolve with both the organization and the security landscape. The process doesn’t need to be publicly promoted outside the firm to have the desired impact (see [SM3.2]). In addition to publishing the written process, some firms also automate parts (e.g., a testing strategy) as governance-as-code (see [SM3.4]).

Educate executives on software security.
SM1.3: Educate executives on software security.

Executives are regularly shown the ways malicious actors attack software and the negative business impacts those attacks can have on the organization. Go beyond reporting of open and closed defects to educate executives on the business risks, including risks of adopting emerging engineering technologies and methodologies without security oversight. Demonstrate a worst-case scenario in a controlled environment with the permission of all involved (e.g., by showing attacks and their business impact). Presentation to the Board can help garner resources for new or ongoing SSI efforts. Demonstrating the need for new skill-building training in evolving areas, such as DevOps groups using cloud-native technologies, can help convince leadership to accept SSG recommendations when they might otherwise be ignored in favor of faster release dates or other priorities. Bring in an outside expert when necessary to bolster executive attention.

Implement security checkpoints and associated governance.
SM1.4: Implement security checkpoints and associated governance.

The software security process includes checkpoints (such as gates, release conditions, guardrails, milestones, etc.) at one or more points in a software lifecycle. The first two steps toward establishing security-specific checkpoint conditions are to identify process locations that are compatible with existing development practices and to then begin gathering the information necessary, such as risk-ranking thresholds or defect data, to make a go/no-go decision. Importantly, the conditions need not be enforced at this stage—e.g., the SSG can collect security testing results for each project prior

to release, then provide an informed opinion on what constitutes sufficient testing or acceptable test results without trying to stop a project from moving forward (see [SM2.2]). Shorter release cycles might require creative approaches to collecting the right evidence and rely heavily on automation. Socializing the conditions and then enforcing them once most project teams already know how to succeed is a gradual approach that motivates good behavior without introducing unnecessary friction.