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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
PR.AC-2.1: Physical access to the facility, servers and network components shall be managed.
  • Consider to strictly manage keys to access the premises and alarm codes. The following rules should be considered:
  • oAlways retrieve an employee's keys or badges when they leave the company permanently.
  • oChange company alarm codes frequently.
  • oNever give keys or alarm codes to external service providers (cleaning agents, etc.), unless it is possible to trace these accesses and restrict them technically to given time slots.
  • Consider to not leaving internal network access outlets accessible in public areas. These public places can be waiting rooms, corridors...
Documentation Maturity
Not applicable - Not applicable in the selected scope.
Level 1 - Initial - No Process documentation or not formally approved by management.
Level 2 - Repeatable - Formally approved Process documentation exists but not reviewed in the previous 2 years.
Level 3 - Defined - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 5% of the time.
Level 4 - Managed - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 3% of the time.
Level 5 - Optimizing - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 0,5% of the time.
Implementation Maturity
Not applicable - Not applicable in the selected scope.
Level 1 - Initial - Standard process does not exist.
Level 2 - Repeatable - Ad-hoc process exists and is done informally.
Level 3 - Defined - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for most activities. Less than 10% process exceptions.
Level 4 - Managed - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for all activities. Detailed metrics of the process are captured and reported. Minimal target for metrics has been established. Less than 5% of process exceptions.
Level 5 - Optimizing - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for all activities. Detailed metrics of the process are captured and reported. Minimal target for metrics has been established and continually improving. Less than 1% of process exceptions.

Physical access to the facility, servers and network components shall be managed.