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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Evaluate architecture for typical threats
V-AA-B-1: Do you review the application architecture for mitigations of typical threats on an ad-hoc basis?
  • You have an agreed upon model of the overall software architecture
  • Security savvy staff conduct the review
  • You consider different types of threats, including insider and data-related ones
- None: There is no coverage for this activity or not all quality criteria have been fulfilled.
- Some: You perform this activity across some portion of your applications, to a certain extend, or review it on an ad-hoc basis, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Half: You perform this activity across half of your applications, to a larger extent or review it at regular times (though not very often), while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Most/All: You perform this activity across most / all of your applications, to a full extent or review it at regular times at most once a year, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.

Review the architecture for typical security threats. Security-savvy technical staff conduct this analysis with input from architects, developers, managers, and business owners as needed, to ensure the architecture addresses all common threats which development teams lacking specialised security expertise may have overlooked.

Typical threats in an architecture can relate to incorrect assumptions in, or overly reliance on, the provisioning of security mechanisms such as authentication, authorization, user and rights management, secure communication, data protection, key management and log management. Threats, on the other hand, can also relate to known limitations of, or issues in, technological components or frameworks that are part of the solution and for which insufficient mitigation has been put in place.

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OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.