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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Use best-effort incident detection
O-IM-A-1: Do you analyze log data for security incidents periodically?
  • You have a contact point for the creation of security incidents
  • You analyze data in accordance with the log data retention periods
  • The frequency of this analysis is aligned with the criticality of your applications
- None: There is no coverage for this activity or not all quality criteria have been fulfilled.
- Some: You perform this activity across some portion of your applications, to a certain extend, or review it on an ad-hoc basis, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Half: You perform this activity across half of your applications, to a larger extent or review it at regular times (though not very often), while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Most/All: You perform this activity across most / all of your applications, to a full extent or review it at regular times at most once a year, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.

Analyze available log data (e.g., access logs, application logs, infrastructure logs), to detect possible security incidents in accordance with known log data retention periods.

In small setups, you can do this manually with the help of common command-line tools. With larger log volumes, employ automation techniques. Even a `cron` job, running a simple script to look for suspicious events, is a step forward!

If you send logs from different sources to a dedicated log aggregation system, analyze the logs there and employ basic log correlation principles.

Even if you don't have a 24/7 incident detection process, ensure that unavailability of the responsible person (e.g., due to vacation or illness) doesn't significantly impact detection speed or quality.

Establish and share points of contact for formal creation of security incidents.

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OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.