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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Identify security requirements
D-SR-A-1: Do project teams specify security requirements during development?
  • Teams derive security requirements from functional requirements and customer or organization concerns
  • Security requirements are specific, measurable, and reasonable
  • Security requirements are in line with the organizational baseline
- None: There is no coverage for this activity or not all quality criteria have been fulfilled.
- Some: You perform this activity across some portion of your applications, to a certain extend, or review it on an ad-hoc basis, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Half: You perform this activity across half of your applications, to a larger extent or review it at regular times (though not very often), while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Most/All: You perform this activity across most / all of your applications, to a full extent or review it at regular times at most once a year, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.

Perform a review of the functional requirements of the software project. Identify relevant security requirements (i.e. expectations) for this functionality by reasoning on the desired confidentiality, integrity or availability of the service or data offered by the software project. Requirements state the objective (e.g., "personal data for the registration process should be transferred and stored securely"), but not the actual measure to achieve the objective (e.g., "use TLSv1.2 for secure transfer").

At the same time, review the functionality from an attacker perspective to understand how it could be misused. This way you can identify extra protective requirements for the software project at hand.

Security objectives can relate to specific security functionality you need to add to the application (e.g., "Identify the user of the application at all times") or to the overall application quality and behavior (e.g., "Ensure personal data is properly protected in transit"), which does not necessarily lead to new functionality. Follow good practices for writing security requirements. Make them specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). Beware of adding requirements too general-purpose to not relate to the application at hand (e.g., The application should protect against the OWASP Top 10). While they can be true, they don't add value to the discussion.

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OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.