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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Identify application dependencies
I-SB-B-1: Do you have solid knowledge about dependencies you're relying on?
  • You have a current bill of materials (BOM) for every application
  • You can quickly find out which applications are affected by a particular CVE
  • You have analyzed, addressed, and documented findings from dependencies at least once in the last three months
- None: There is no coverage for this activity or not all quality criteria have been fulfilled.
- Some: You perform this activity across some portion of your applications, to a certain extend, or review it on an ad-hoc basis, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Half: You perform this activity across half of your applications, to a larger extent or review it at regular times (though not very often), while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.
- Most/All: You perform this activity across most / all of your applications, to a full extent or review it at regular times at most once a year, while making sure that all quality criteria are fulfilled.

Keep a record of all dependencies used throughout the target production environment. This is sometimes referred to as a Bill of Materials (BOM). Consider that different components of the application may consume entirely different dependencies. For example, if the software package is a web application, cover both the server-side application code and client-side scripts. In building these records, consider the various locations where dependencies might be specified such as configuration files, the project's directory on disk, a package management tool or the actual code (e.g. via an IDE that supports listing dependencies).

Gather the following information about each dependency:

  • Where it is used or referenced
  • Version used
  • License
  • Source information (link to repository, author's name, etc.)
  • Support and maintenance status of the dependency

Check the records to discover any dependencies with known vulnerabilities and update or replace them accordingly.

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OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.