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Cybersecurity Fundamentals
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Cybersecurity Fundamentals
NIST 800-34
Asset Management
Business Environment
Risk Assessment
Risk Management Strategy
Supply Chain Risk Management
Identity Management, Authentication and Access Control
Awareness and Training
Data Security
Information Protection Processes and Procedures
Protective Technology
Anomalies and Events
Security Continuous Monitoring
Detection Processes
Response Planning
Response Communications
Response Improvements
Recovery Communications
Recovery Planning
Recovery Improvements
ID.BE-1: The organization’s role in the supply chain is identified and communicated
ID.BE-2: The organization’s place in critical infrastructure and its industry sector is identified and communicated
ID.BE-3: Priorities for organizational mission, objectives, and activities are established and communicated
ID.BE-4: Dependencies and critical functions for delivery of critical services are established
ID.BE-5: Resilience requirements to support delivery of critical services are established for all operating states (e.g. under duress/attack, during recovery, normal operations)
ID.BE-3.1: Priorities for organizational mission, objectives, and activities are established and communicated.
Information protection needs should be determined, and the related processes revised as necessary.
Documentation Maturity
Not applicable - Not applicable in the selected scope.
Level 1 - Initial - No Process documentation or not formally approved by management.
Level 2 - Repeatable - Formally approved Process documentation exists but not reviewed in the previous 2 years.
Level 3 - Defined - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 5% of the time.
Level 4 - Managed - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 3% of the time.
Level 5 - Optimizing - Formally approved Process documentation exists, and exceptions are documented and approved. Documented and approved exceptions < 0,5% of the time.
Not applicable
Level 1 - Initial
Level 2 - Repeatable
Level 3 - Defined
Level 4 - Managed
Level 5 - Optimizing
Implementation Maturity
Not applicable - Not applicable in the selected scope.
Level 1 - Initial - Standard process does not exist.
Level 2 - Repeatable - Ad-hoc process exists and is done informally.
Level 3 - Defined - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for most activities. Less than 10% process exceptions.
Level 4 - Managed - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for all activities. Detailed metrics of the process are captured and reported. Minimal target for metrics has been established. Less than 5% of process exceptions.
Level 5 - Optimizing - Formal process exists and is implemented. Evidence available for all activities. Detailed metrics of the process are captured and reported. Minimal target for metrics has been established and continually improving. Less than 1% of process exceptions.
Not applicable
Level 1 - Initial
Level 2 - Repeatable
Level 3 - Defined
Level 4 - Managed
Level 5 - Optimizing
Priorities for organizational mission, objectives, and activities are established and communicated.