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Vulnerability Triaging
RV.2.2: Plan and implement risk responses for vulnerabilities.
  • Example 1: Make a risk-based decision as to whether each vulnerability will be remediated or if the risk will be addressed through other means (e.g., risk acceptance, risk transference), and prioritize any actions to be taken.
  • Example 2: If a permanent mitigation for a vulnerability is not yet available, determine how the vulnerability can be temporarily mitigated until the permanent solution is available, and add that temporary remediation to the plan.
  • Example 3: Develop and release security advisories that provide the necessary information to software acquirers, including descriptions of what the vulnerabilities are, how to find instances of the vulnerable software, and how to address them (e.g., where to get patches and what the patches change in the software; what configuration settings may need to be changed; how temporary workarounds could be implemented).
  • Example 4: Deliver remediations to acquirers via an automated and trusted delivery mechanism. A single remediation could address multiple vulnerabilities.
  • Example 5: Update records of design decisions, risk responses, and approved exceptions as needed. See PW.1.2.
CMMI Maturity
Not Applicable - Not applicable
Level 1: Initial - Unpredictable and reactive. Work gets completed but is often delayed and over budget.
Level 2: Managed - Managed on the project level. Projects are planned, performed, measured, and controlled.
Level 3: Defined - Proactive, rather than reactive. Organization-wide standards provide guidance across projects, programs, and portfolios.
Level 4: Quantitatively Managed - Measured and controlled. Organization is data-driven with quantitative performance improvement objectives that are predictable and align to meet the needs of internal and external stakeholders.
Level 5: Optimized - Stable and flexible. Organization is focused on continuous improvement and is built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change. The organization’s stability provides a platform for agility and innovation.

Plan and implement risk responses for vulnerabilities.