PW.4.1: Acquire and maintain well-secured software components (e.g., software libraries, modules, middleware, frameworks) from commercial, open-source, and other third-party developers for use by the organization’s software.
Example 1: Review and evaluate third-party software components in the context of their expected use. If a component is to be used in a substantially different way in the future, perform the review and evaluation again with that new context in mind.
Example 2: Determine secure configurations for software components, and make these available (e.g., as configuration-as-code) so developers can readily use the configurations.
Example 3: Obtain provenance information (e.g., SBOM, source composition analysis, binary software composition analysis) for each software component, and analyze that information to better assess the risk that the component may introduce.
Example 4: Establish one or more software repositories to host sanctioned and vetted open-source components.
Example 5: Maintain a list of organization-approved commercial software components and component versions along with their provenance data.
Example 6: Designate which components must be included in software to be developed.
Example 7: Implement processes to update deployed software components to newer versions, and retain older versions of software components until all transitions from those versions have been completed successfully.
Example 8: If the integrity or provenance of acquired binaries cannot be confirmed, build binaries from source code after verifying the source code’s integrity and provenance.
CMMI Maturity
Acquire and maintain well-secured software components (e.g., software libraries, modules, middleware, frameworks) from commercial, open-source, and other third-party developers for use by the organization’s software.