GV.SC-02: Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for suppliers, customers, and partners are established, communicated, and coordinated internally and externally
Ex1: Identify one or more specific roles or positions that will be responsible and accountable for planning, resourcing, and executing cybersecurity supply chain risk management activities
Ex2: Document cybersecurity supply chain risk management roles and responsibilities in policy
Ex3: Create responsibility matrixes to document who will be responsible and accountable for cybersecurity supply chain risk management activities and how those teams and individuals will be consulted and informed
Ex4: Include cybersecurity supply chain risk management responsibilities and performance requirements in personnel descriptions to ensure clarity and improve accountability
Ex5: Document performance goals for personnel with cybersecurity risk management-specific responsibilities, and periodically measure them to demonstrate and improve performance
Ex6: Develop roles and responsibilities for suppliers, customers, and business partners to address shared responsibilities for applicable cybersecurity risks, and integrate them into organizational policies and applicable third-party agreements
Ex7: Internally communicate cybersecurity supply chain risk management roles and responsibilities for third parties
Ex8: Establish rules and protocols for information sharing and reporting processes between the organization and its suppliers
Cybersecurity roles and responsibilities for suppliers, customers, and partners are established, communicated, and coordinated internally and externally