GV.SC-07: The risks posed by a supplier, their products and services, and other third parties are understood, recorded, prioritized, assessed, responded to, and monitored over the course of the relationship
Ex1: Adjust assessment formats and frequencies based on the third party’s reputation and the criticality of the products or services they provide
Ex2: Evaluate third parties’ evidence of compliance with contractual cybersecurity requirements, such as self-attestations, warranties, certifications, and other artifacts
Ex3: Monitor critical suppliers to ensure that they are fulfilling their security obligations throughout the supplier relationship lifecycle using a variety of methods and techniques, such as inspections, audits, tests, or other forms of evaluation
Ex4: Monitor critical suppliers, services, and products for changes to their risk profiles, and reevaluate supplier criticality and risk impact accordingly
Ex5: Plan for unexpected supplier and supply chain-related interruptions to ensure business continuity
The risks posed by a supplier, their products and services, and other third parties are understood, recorded, prioritized, assessed, responded to, and monitored over the course of the relationship