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Organizational Leadership Responsibility
GV.RR-01: Organizational leadership is responsible and accountable for cybersecurity risk and fosters a culture that is risk-aware, ethical, and continually improving
  • Ex1:  Leaders (e.g., directors) agree on their roles and responsibilities in developing, implementing, and assessing the organization’s cybersecurity strategy
  • Ex2:  Share leaders’ expectations regarding a secure and ethical culture, especially when current events present the opportunity to highlight positive or negative examples of cybersecurity risk management
  • Ex3:  Leaders direct the CISO to maintain a comprehensive cybersecurity risk strategy and review and update it at least annually and after major events
  • Ex4:  Conduct reviews to ensure adequate authority and coordination among those responsible for managing cybersecurity risk
Not Applicable - Not applicable
No - The outcome(s) have not been meaningfully implemented.
Tier 1: Partial - Application of the organizational cybersecurity risk strategy is managed in an ad hoc manner. Prioritization is ad hoc and not formally based on objectives or threat environment.
Tier 2: Risk Informed - Risk management practices are approved by management but may not be established as organization-wide policy. The prioritization of cybersecurity activities and protection needs is directly informed by organizational risk objectives, the threat environment, or business/mission requirements.
Tier 3: Repeatable - The organization’s risk management practices are formally approved and expressed as policy. Risk-informed policies, processes, and procedures are defined, implemented as intended, and reviewed. Organizational cybersecurity practices are regularly updated based on the application of risk management processes to changes in business/mission requirements, threats, and technological landscape.
Tier 4: Adaptive - There is an organization-wide approach to managing cybersecurity risks that uses risk-informed policies, processes, and procedures to address potential cybersecurity events.

Organizational leadership is responsible and accountable for cybersecurity risk and fosters a culture that is risk-aware, ethical, and continually improving