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Maturity Level 1
Maturity Level 2
Maturity Level 3
Practice best-effort patching
Do you identify and patch vulnerable components?
  • You have an up-to-date list of components, including version information
  • You regularly review public sources for vulnerabilities related to your components

Identify applications and third-party components which need to be updated or patched, including underlying operating systems, application servers, and third-party code libraries.

At this level of maturity, your identification and patching activities are best-effort and ad hoc, without a managed process for tracking component versions, available updates, and patch status. However, high-level requirements for patching activities (e.g., testing patches before pushing to production) may exist, and product teams are achieving best-effort compliance with those requirements.

Except for critical security updates (e.g., an exploit for a third-party component has been publicly released), teams leverage maintenance windows established for other purposes to apply component patches. For software developed by the organization, component patches are delivered to customers and organization-managed solutions only as part of feature releases.

Teams share their awareness of available updates, and their experiences with patching, on an ad hoc basis. Ensure teams can determine the versions of all components in use, to evaluate whether their products are affected by a security vulnerability when notified. However, the process for generating and maintaining component lists may require significant analyst effort.

OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

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Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.

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