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Maturity Level 3
Perform fuzz testing
Do you test applications using randomization or fuzzing techniques?
  • Testing covers most or all of the application's main input parameters
  • You record and inspect all application crashes for security impact on a best-effort basis

Perform fuzzing, sending random or malformed data to the test subject in an attempt to make it crash. Fuzz testing or Fuzzing is a Black Box software testing technique, which consists of finding implementation bugs using automated malformed or semi-malformed data injection. Cover at least a minimum fuzzing for vulnerabilities against the main input parameters of the application.

The advantage of fuzz testing is the simplicity of the test design, and its lack of preconceptions about system behavior. The stochastic approach results in bugs that human eyes or structured testing would often miss. It is also one of the few means of assessing the quality of a closed system (such as a SIP phone). The simplicity of fuzzing a target is offset by the difficulty in accurately detecting and triaging crashes. Favour existing fuzzing tools and frameworks to leverage their supporting tooling.

OWASP Team guidance

This is the official guidance provided by the OWASP SAMM Team.

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Community guidance

This guidance is based on the approved community submissions.

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