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Access Authorizations
PR.AA-05: Access permissions, entitlements, and authorizations are defined in a policy, managed, enforced, and reviewed, and incorporate the principles of least privilege and separation of duties
  • Ex1:  Review logical and physical access privileges periodically and whenever someone changes roles or leaves the organization, and promptly rescind privileges that are no longer needed
  • Ex2:  Take attributes of the requester and the requested resource into account for authorization decisions (e.g., geolocation, day/time, requester endpoint’s cyber health)
  • Ex3:  Restrict access and privileges to the minimum necessary (e.g., zero trust architecture)
  • Ex4:  Periodically review the privileges associated with critical business functions to confirm proper separation of duties

Access permissions, entitlements, and authorizations are defined in a policy, managed, enforced, and reviewed, and incorporate the principles of least privilege and separation of duties